An overview of the information on this site
The 'info' section in the main menu contains a number of documents, providing background information about the FDC toolbox and about this website in general. These pages were included here to provide some answers to often asked questions, and to put the whole project into the proper perspective; they try to clarify the current status of this project. The following pages are listed:
- The author page provides a small resumé that contains some background information about myself, so that you know who created this software, the documentation on this site, and this website.
- A historical overview of the FDC development is provided on the history page, which explains why the FDC toolbox was developed in the first place and why it is still around today. This information is augmented by the objectives page, which explains the historical and current goals of the FDC project and provides some insight in the future goals for this software.
- The Dials & Gauges page was included to help people who are directed to site via the buttons in the cockpit demo of the Dials & Gauges blockset, which is (or has been) offered by The Mathworks.
- On the FAQ page you can find some frequently asked questions and answers about the FDC toolbox. It is strongly recommended to read this page before sending any questions via the feedback page.
- The known problems page contains lists with known bugs and errata for the FDC toolbox and its user-manual. Like the FAQ list, it is recommended to read this page before sending any bug reports via the feedback page.
- And finally, the thanks page contains some well deserved acknowledgements to other people.
Other information
The other information on this website is quite self-explanatory: the news section keeps you informed about the latest developments, the downloads page provides links to the various software packages and documentation from this site, the feedback page allows you to contact the author, and the links page offers a quite comprehensive list of links to some high-quality scientific search engines, web portals, literature repositories, etc.
Much background information about the FDC toolbox itself can be found in the FDC user-manual. The manual includes a detailed theoretical information about the aircraft equations of motion and flight simulation in general, making it suitable as a stand-alone reference too.