FDC versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.3 SR1, and 1.3 SR2 were released under a proprietary license that allowed non-commercial distribution of the program, unlimited creation of derivative works, limited distribution of derivative works, and full access to the source code. As later versions of the FDC toolbox have been made available with a more generic Open Source license, it is recommended not to use this license for your own works. Please notice that this license does not comply with the Open Source Definition by the Open Source Initiative (OSI)!
License Agreement
- Using the FDC toolbox or its documentation implies that you agree with the license rules below.
- All software written by M.O. Rauw which is part of the FDC toolbox may be used without restrictions (however, restrictions do apply for the distribution of the package).
- The software written by M.O. Rauw which is part of the FDC toolbox, including the downloadable documentation, may only be distributed in unchanged and complete form, including all the files from the FDC file-list, and only if this is done without charge. If you want to distribute only parts of the FDC toolbox or charge a fee for handling, etc., you have to contact the author. In particular, commercial distribution on diskette or CD ROM is prohibited without explicit permission from the author.
- Any custom-made extensions to the FDC package should be distributed separately from the FDC toolbox, using different file-names. Inclusion of extensions to the original FDC distribution diskettes and/or ZIP files is prohibited without explicit permission from the author.
- Elements from the FDC tools or systems may be included in other programs and systems, provided the original source (e.g. 'The FDC toolbox version x.x, by M.O. Rauw') is acknowledged in the resulting source codes. Distribution of customized systems and tools from the FDC toolbox is allowed only if the differences from the original version are clearly marked in an accompanying textfile.
- The distribution policy for the FDC toolbox may be changed without prior notice.
- The FDC toolbox is distributed 'as is'. No guarantee is made as to the proper functioning of the FDC software. No liability will be admitted for damage resulting from using the software or documentation from the FDC package.
- Instead of a list: all trademarks used in this document and all the other documents and program files from the FDC toolbox are registered to whoever it is that owns them.